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SHOW1 Autistic basketball program

Basketball can be a teaching tool for children with autism

Some people say it’s an epidemic. There is still no known cause for why it strikes one child but not another, and there is no cure. To make things even more frightening, current statistics show that 2 to 6 children of every 1,000 will be diagnosed with it. And males are 4 times more likely to be diagnosed with it than females.

We’re talking about autism.

Children born with this serious, life-altering neurological disorder will often exhibit symptoms of autism by age 3. Often they do not respond normally to verbal cues, they avoid eye contact, their verbal skills may be delayed or even non-existent and they may get fussy when they are cuddled.

Not only is the diagnosis far too frequent but also, as a neurological condition, it never affects children in the same way or to the same degree. In the medical world, the y term “Autism spectrum” is applied to explain that the degree of autism may be very slight or very severe, with lots of inconsistencies in between.

One form of autism, which applies to higher functioning children, is known as Asbergers Syndrome. Children with this form of autism are often more verbal and more willing to communicate and interact with the world around them. They often have a very high level of intelligence and very specific gifts and talents.

However, like children who fall into other areas of the autism spectrum, kids who havebeendiagnosed with Asbergers Syndrome are usually developmentally delayed. Their gross motor skill development is delayed- meaning the use of large muscles is awkward.

Delays in social skills is another way that kids with Asbergers Syndrome struggle. They may be very uncomfortable with peer interaction. They may have trouble reading social cues and be confused when their peers react in certain ways. They may struggle to play appropriately with other kids.

Obviously, you know your child best. Introduce him to the basketball, encourage him to throw it, bounce it. Encourage him to aim for the basketball hoop and when he gets a basket, sound like you’re throwing a party for his accomplishment.

Show1 can teach your child that age-old game of Horse, where you move around the goal, taking turns to make shots at the hoop. You are teaching him the skills of waiting for his turn, listening and following directions. Each time he handles the basketball, even if he is chasing after it, his muscles are developing and strengthening. He is gaining the ability to better work with his own body and become more coordinated. SHOW1 will also help the child to develop confidence. He is learning about a game, and we are absolutely positive on him every single time he takes a try- whether he makes a basket or not.

When your child’s anxiety level about learning to play basketball begins to decrease, consider inviting one or two kids his age to join you under the basketball goal. During this time, you can observe your child’s social needs and guide him toward a better understanding of how to successfully play a game with other children.

Show1 is creating memories, helping your children grow and develop and making parenting fun!

Sensory Sensitivities

Children with autism frequently have sensory sensitivities that can make participating in loud noisy events like a basketball game difficult. Common sensitivities include light, sound and touch. This means that a hypersensitive child may have a meltdown when exposed to any or all of these neurologically startling stimuli. On the other hand, a hypo-sensitive child may not even register the lights or noise and may actually be too aggressive because they may not "feel" pain when bumping into another child. Observing a game may be a better option as a child who needs to maybe wear sunglasses or use earplugs.

Special Interests

In "typically developing" children, it is common for them to form an interest in a subject like basketball and then want to know everything about it as well as play it whenever possible and talk about it all the time. Autistic children develop "special interests" that are basically very specific obsessions. For example, they may collect basketball facts and statistics, but have absolutely no interest in watching a basketball game or ever playing it. It's important to know exactly what part of the game your child is interested in and not assume that he would want to play or go to see a game live, as this may be distressing to your child.


When working with children--autistic or not, it is important to be aware that abuse can and does happen. It is particularly important to note that children with disabilities are at a higher risk of being abused. Children with autism are frequently less socially and emotionally developed than their peers, and some have trouble with functional language, making it hard for them to communicate upsetting or abusive events. In 2008, a 16-year-old autistic girl was raped by her basketball coach, who told her that she would be kicked off the team if she did not consent. Unfortunately she had no idea how to respond to the threat and "consented" because basketball meant more to her than her virginity. The coach, Freddie Lamont Wilson, ran the now defunct nonprofit Southeastern North Carolina Youth Basketball Association and, as of 2010, is still serving his term in prison.

Games for the kids to play

Stop and Go Dribble

This is one of the easiest basketball skill games that can be played by a kid able to dribble a basketball. A coach tells a group of kids to line up in single-file lines along the base line of a basketball court. Then the coach yells “Go," and the kid at the front of each line runs forward dribbling the basketball. When the coach yells “Stop”, the kid has to stop in place and keep dribbling the ball. If he doesn’t stop or can’t control dribbling the ball, the coach sends the kid to the back of the line. The next kid at the front of line then tries the same dribbling drill.

A coach can also have the kids do other dribbling moves while in the “Stop” position to master coordination. Switching between dribbling with the left and right hand during “Stop” and “Go” drills can get kids used to dribbling techniques used in real games. Teach the kids to crouch down while dribbling the ball when in the “Stop” position to learn the proper move of protecting the ball from a steal during a game.

Please note: This game is fun also with just the use of the whistle.

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